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My story.

The last 5 years have presented me with numerous trials, including the sudden loss of my beloved mother. Losing my role model had a profound impact on me. The grieving process consumed me for years and I struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality.​ Following my marriage, I left home to embark on a new life with my husband. However, the move came with a significant sacrifice - leaving behind close-knit family and friends. Additionally, I had to give up everything I had established and my entire comfort zone.​

Starting anew in a foreign environment is a trial of perseverance, tenacity, and resilience. I find myself continuously learning to acclimate to my surroundings and become a part of the community. My social circle diminished abruptly, and my confidence was profoundly challenged.

Nevertheless, my personal experiences have fueled my desire to assist individuals in navigating life transitions. We can overcome life's obstacles by staying committed to our purpose and values, and by seeking the necessary support.

"Obstacles are opportunities in disguise."

With a wealth of experience over 16 years, my career has been deeply rooted in the domains of talent, learning and development. Throughout this journey, I have had the privilege of empowering and nurturing high-potential individuals, guiding them towards unparalleled success. Not only have I facilitated numerous training sessions, but I have also dedicated countless hours to cultivating personal leadership skills and fostering career development in the dynamic and ever-evolving banking and property industries. 

With my background in HR, I've gained valuable experiences that have led me to pursue a career in coaching, driven by my desire to give back to society. As a certified Clean Language coach, I'm dedicated to leaving my assumptions aside and guiding you through your thought process using clean questions in our sessions. As a certified practitioner of the Strengthscope® psychometric assessment which promotes positive psychology, my coaching approach centres on maximising your strengths to achieve your goals, whilst keeping an eye out for potential performance risks.

Eileen Saw

Find your clarity and never let fear get in your way.

Schedule a free 40-minute introductory call to tailor your coaching journey.

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